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Private chef job in Bloomsbury, Central London
Salary: circa £50,000Location: Central LondonHours: Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 7:30 PMPosition: Live-out, non-smokerStart date: May 2025Statutory holiday Family of eight in WC1 seeks chef...
Chef required for Private Villa on NE coast Corfu, summer 2025
Experienced live-in Chef required for family owned villa on the coast. Catering for party of 3-10 family and friends from 26th of May to the end of July. Three...
NE Coast Corfu
Holiday cook for 2 Weeks in South Devon, July 25
We are looking for an enthusiastic cook to join us for a fortnight in Devon from July 25th.We will be roughly 10-12 people, all adults...
Holbeton, Devon
Dublin Based Chef for Casual Dinner Parties
4 x dinner parties for 12-16 people (March & April)
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Some Feedback
"Thanks for your help. I got a number of excellent candidates and have made a selection and look forward to the food!"